International School on Nanoscale Optical Microscopy

6-9 june 2017


Directors: Alberto Diaspro and Giorgio Giacometti.

Organised by Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia under the auspices of the Italian branch of the Biophysics and Photonics Society within an ItaBi training activity.

The objective of this School is to advance the field of nanoscale optical microscopy operating at the scale of nanometres to tens of nanometres, through the exchange of information, ideas, and innovative techniques. The understanding of methods and techniques has the great potential of allowing, in the near future, for the design and performance of new exciting experiments in Biophysics, Optics and Photonics.

Confirmed Faculty:
Suzie Scarlata, Joerg Enderlein, Francesca Cella Zanacchi, Petra Schwille,
Colin JR Sheppard, Pietro Ferraro, Paolo Bianchini, Giuseppe Vicidomini, Cristina Flors, George Stanciu, Tullio Pozzan, Ranieri Bizzarri, Alberto Diaspro, Cristiano Viappiani,
Gail Mc Connell, Iva Tolic, Luca Lanzanò and Pio Benedetti.

We thank
CoolLED, Nikon, Leica, PI, Coherent, Olympus, Okolab, Hamamatsu, Chroma, SVI for support. Other companies are Welcome.
Lessons in the magnificent building of Palazzo Franchetti, Venice.

400€ / 450€ (IIT-SIOF-SIBPA vs. others) including lodging
200€ without lodging.
We have only 30 seats with lodging plus 10 without.

Download the flyer
Registrations and Payments will be done through the SIOF website (Italian branch of EOS)

Current acceptance criterium: first in first out.
Email for booking your seat to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mandatory subject: “YOURSURNAME-VENICE2017-FOM”



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