Scuola Internazionale di Biofisica SIBPA/IVSLA

School of Pure and Applied Biophysics



XXVIII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Molecule in(ter)action: from nano to macroscale"

February 5th - 9th, 2024

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XXVII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Extracellular Vesicles: from biophysical to translational challenges"

February 6th - 10th, 2023

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XXVI School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Molecular and Biophysical Bases of Photosynthesis"

January 24th - 28th, 2022

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XXV School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Quantitative analysis of optical imaging for Medicine and Biophysics"

January 18th - 22th, 2021

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XXIV School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Applications of X-rays and Neutron Scattering in Biology"

January 27th - 31th, 2020

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XXIII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Emerging Tools in Biomechanics: from tissues down to single molecules"

February 4th - 8th, 2019

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XXII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Intracellular ion channels and transporters in plant and animal cells"

January 15th - 19th, 2018

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XXI School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Time Resolved Methods in Biophysics"

January 9th - 13th, 2017

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XX School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Molecular and biophysical aspects of photosynthesis"

January 25th - 29th, 2016

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XIX School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Theoretical and Computational Approaches to Biophysics"

January 26th - 30th, 2015

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XVIII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Nanomechanics in biomolecular adhesion"

January 27th - 31th, 2014

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.

XVII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Renewable energy and biofuels: a biophysical and biochemical approach"

January 28th - February 1st, 2013

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XVI School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Multimodal Methods for Cell Imaging and Tracking"

January 30th - February 3rd, 2012

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XV School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Protein Stability and Pathways of Self-Assembly"

January 24th - 28th, 2011

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XIV School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration"

January 25th - 29th, 2010

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XIII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Electrogenic transport in plant cells and organelles"

January 26th - 30th, 2009

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "The ever changing world of (hemo)globins"

January 28 - February 1, 2008

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


XI School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Advanced Optical Microscopy Methods in Biophysics"

January 29 - February 2, 2007

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


X School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Time resolved spectroscopic methods in biophysics"

January 16 - 20, 2006

Venice, Campo Santo Stefano.


IX School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Photobiology and Environment"

January 17 - 21, 2005



VIII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Ion channels and transporters in plant cells"

January 26 - 30, 2004



VII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Biophysics of Sensory Transduction"

January 27 - 31, 2003

Venice, Palazzo Loredan.


VI School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Interaction beetween Macromolecules & Solvent: Simulation & Experimantal Approaches"

January 28 - February 2, 2002



V School of Pure and Applied Biophysics

on "Biophysics of Ion Channels and Channelopathies"

January 22 - 26, 2001




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